ICLC is accepting applications from volunteer solicitors.

Volunteer solicitors and barristers
ICLC is committed to the involvement of volunteer lawyers in the provision of legal services to the inner city. ICLC recognises the enormous contribution made by these volunteers who give generously of their time on regular rosters at the Centre.
New volunteers with at least two years experience are invited to attend an orientation session before being placed on the roster.
All advice given by volunteer solicitors is covered by the Centre’s Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII). The PII cover is part of the National Community Legal Centre Professional Insurance Scheme which requires that all advice be supervised by a Centre solicitor. Responsibility for the conduct of the Centre’s casework lies with the ICLC Principal Solicitor.
Volunteer lawyers participate in the roster on a monthly basis on either a Tuesday or Wednesday evening. They provide initial advice and referral to clients. Currently all evening advice appointments are going ahead remotely.
Clients are means tested before they are given an appointment to see a volunteer lawyer.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer and have at least two years experience please download this application and email it, along with your resume and practising certificate, to supervisor@iclc.org.au.
The Centre also has arrangements with law firms and a number of private solicitors and barristers to take on matters on a pro bono basis where possible and where the Centre has insufficient resources to assist.